
2019/1/9 Core_Base_43 퇴근시간/ 야밤에 신나게 노는 세아이들과 구루4편

나다움이 2019. 1. 11. 09:51

Date : 2019 01 09 퇴근길

방법 : 듣고/따라하고/말하기

오늘의 영문장

Will you read us a bedtime story.


Pretty please.

The Physical appearance of the 'please' makes no difference. 

things gained or wondering 

READ AND SPEAK [intransitive, transitive] to say the words in a book, newspaper etc so that people can hear themread somebody something Daddy, will you read me a story?

*read가 4형식으로쓰인다는것을 알았다. 

*pretty please. 는 제발요~~의 의미지만 약간 애교가 섞여있는 표현.!